Chocolate mousse with strawberry sauce

Today I want to share a simple dessert that will delight us with its looks and flavour. We'll prepare a pleasantly creamy and fluffy chocolate mousse that we'll serve together with lightly sour strawberry sauce.

The mousse comes out fluffy and delicate, and it melts in your mouth almost immediately. Chocolate dominates the flavour, but you can detect light coffee notes, too. The sauce combines the sweetness of strawberries and refreshing sour lemon notes perfectly. A very pleasant dessert that will delight every chocolate and strawberry lover.

You'll find the list of ingredients, method and approximate nutritional value below.

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List of ingredients

Strawberry sauce

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 50 g (~1/4 cup) sugar
  • Juice of one lemon (~30-40 ml)
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste

Chocolate mousse

  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 250 ml milk
  • 6 g gelatine
  • 50 g (~1/4 cup) sugar
  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp coffee liqueur


  • 1 square dark chocolate
  • Fresh strawberries


  1. Put 500 g quartered strawberries into a medium sized pot.  Add 50 g sugar, freshly squeezed juice of one large lemon and 1 tsp vanilla paste. Stir through the contents of the pot shortly, until sugar dissolves, and bring them to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Turn the heat down to low and simmer sauce for around 20 minutes, until it thickens lightly and strawberries almost break down completely. It is worth stirring sauce from time to time to prevent it from burning. Once you obtain the right texture take sauce off heat and push it through a fine sieve to remove seeds. Set ready sauce aside to cool.
  3. Put 100 g dark chocolate (72%) and roughly 3/4 of 250 ml milk into a heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a pot with a small amount of boiling water. Make sure that the bowl does not touch water. Melt chocolate in milk, stirring from time to time.
  4. Meanwhile, add 6 g gelatine to remaining milk. Stir the contents of the jug shortly and set it aside for a few minutes for gelatine to bloom.
  5. Once chocolate and milk form a uniform liquid, take bowl off heat and add gelatine milk solution as well as 50 g white sugar to it. Stir the ingredients shortly with a whisk, only until sugar dissolves. Set the mousse base aside to cool to room temperature, for 30 - 60 minutes.
  6. Add 1 tbsp coffee liqueur and 250 ml cold whipping cream to cool chocolate base. Pour cream in a slow trickle while mixing the contents of the bowl continuously with a whisk. Once you add cream put the bowl into a fridge until chocolate base thickens up and starts to resemble a thin custard. It should not take longer than two hours, but it is worth checking on the liquid every 30 minutes to make sure it does not become too thick.
  7. Take the chocolate base out of the fridge then and whip it with an electric mixer until the mousse thickens and becomes lighters in colour. Be patient as it may take a few minutes. Altogether, I spent 10 minutes whipping mousse at high speed. Ready mousse should be aerated, but not stiff, and mixer should be leaving visible marks in it.
  8. I'm putting the desserts together in 4 small trifle bowls today, 400 ml each. I'm filling them roughly 3/4 of the way. Of course, you can prepare smaller servings if you prefer. Pour 2 tbsp strawberry sauce into the bottom of each bowl. Put 3 generous tbsp of chocolate mousse and spread it to the sides of the bowl. Pour in the next 2 tbsp of strawberry sauce. Add the next 3 tbsp of chocolate mousse. Put the desserts back into the fridge for a few hours or overnight.
  9. All we need to do before serving the desserts is decorate them. I'm grating a bit of dark chocolate on top of each dessert and placing a fresh strawberry on top. Milk or white chocolate would work well, too.
  10. Enjoy!

Approximate nutritional value

100 g

  • 283 kcal
  • Carbs: 24 g
  • Fat: 19 g
  • Protein: 4 g
  • Fibre: 2 g

1 serving (recipe makes 4 servings)

  • 558 kcal
  • Carbs: 47 g
  • Fat: 37 g
  • Protein: 8 g
  • Fibre: 5 g
