"Honeycomb" cheesecake

Today I want to share a "Honeycomb" cheesecake: a no bake cake with a subtle honey flavour that we will take to another level with a lightly gingerbread biscuit base.

Biscuit base brings very pleasant gingerbread notes to the cake - they go perfectly with the honey jelly. Of course, we also have creamy, fluffy cheesecake and interesting look. Delicious and quite an easy to make cake that will be the pride of any festive table, whatever the occasion.

You'll find the list of ingredients, method and approximate nutritional value below.

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List of ingredients (24 x 24 cm baking tin)

Honey jelly

  • 12 g gelatine
  • 300 ml water
  • 260 g liquid honey

Cake base

  • 300 g biscuits
  • 100 g butter
  • 10 g gingerbread spice

Cheesecake layer

  • 18 g gelatine (+ 150 ml hot water)
  • 300 g whipping cream (36%)
  • 750 g low salt creamy cheese, such as minced curd cheese or drained ricotta
  • 100 g honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste


  • 1 orange jelly (+ 200 ml hot water)
  • 100 g whipping cream (36%)
  • 250 g low salt creamy cheese
  • Honey


  1. Prepare honey jelly. Pour 300 ml freshly boiled water into a large jug and add 12 g powdered gelatine. Stir through the contents of the bowl shortly, until gelatine dissolves completely. Add 260 g liquid honey next and stir again until uniform liquid forms. Set the jelly solution aside for a few minutes to cool, and pour it into a dish lined with plastic wrap. Put jelly into a fridge for a few hours, or best overnight, until it sets completely.
  2. Take ready jelly out of the fridge, transfer it onto a chopping board and carefully remove plastic wrap, trying not to damage jelly. Cut jelly into large, 2 cm cubes that will go into the middle of cheesecake. Return jelly into the fridge as you move on to the next step.
  3. Prepare biscuit base. Put 300 g biscuits into a large ziplock bag and close it almost completely, leaving a 1 cm gap to let air escape. Crush biscuits with a rolling pin until you obtain fine crumbs. Add 10 g gingerbread spice mix and 100 g cool melted butter. Massage the bag to distribute butter and get a wet sand texture.
  4. Transfer crushed biscuits into a baking tin, 24 x 24 cm. The bottom of the baking tin should be lined with baking paper, and its sides - with baking paper or acetate foil. Distribute biscuits evenly across the whole surface and press them down with a glass to get a compact, even cake base. Put the cake base into a fridge and move on to cheesecake layer.
  5. Pour 150 ml freshly boiled water into a bowl and add 18 g powdered gelatine. Stir through the contents of the bowl for 2 or 3 minutes, until gelatine dissolves completely. Set the bowl aside for around 15 minutes, until gelatine cools down to room temperature.
  6. Pour 200 ml freshly boiled water into a medium jug and add one packet powdered orange jelly. Stir through the contents of the jug until jelly dissolves completely and set it aside to cool completely.
  7. Pour 300 g cold whipping cream (36%) into a large bowl. Beat it with an electric mixer until it increases in volume and the mixer starts leaving visible marks in the cream.
  8. Set cream aside and move on to cheese. Put 750 g low salt creamy cheese into a separate large bowl. Add 100 g honey and a generous tsp of vanilla paste. Stir through the contents of the bowl shortly with an electric mixer, only until they combine. It won't take long - about a minute or two should be enough.
  9. Add 1 tbsp cheese mixture to cool gelatine solution and stir shortly, until uniform liquid forms. Tempering gelatine this way will make it easier to combine it with cheese and avoid unpleasant lumps. Once you've got a uniform liquid, pour tempered gelatine into cheese mixture. Do it slowly, in a slow trickle, while mixing at medium mixer speed. Once you've added all of gelatine continue mixing for another minute to make sure everything has combined as expected.
  10. Add cream you've just whipped to cheese mixture and stir everything again until the ingredients combine to form a uniform, fluffy cheese mixture. It won't take long - two minutes should be enough. Act quickly after adding cream as cheese may start setting quickly due to low temperature.
  11. Add cubed honey jelly to cheese mixture and distribute it with a silicone spatula. Do it carefully to avoid damaging jelly cubes, but firmly enough to separate any cubes that may have stuck together. Transfer the mixture immediately onto the cool biscuit base and spread it evenly across the whole surface. Put the cake into a fridge for 15 minutes, until the top starts to firm up.
  12. Pour 100 g cold whipping cream (36%) into a bowl and whip it with an electric mixer until it starts to leave visible marks. It will take much less time, so be careful not to overwhip the cream. A minute or two should be enough.
  13. Set cream aside and move on to remaining cheese. Put 250 g low salt creamy cheese into a separate, medium bowl. Add orange jelly solution to the cheese in a thin trickle while mixing the contents of the bowl at medium mixer speed. This should help jelly combine with the cheese without any issues and form a liquid, lightly orange mixture.
  14. Add freshly whipped cream to cheese and jelly mixture and combine them with an electric mixer until uniform, fluffy, but still quite a fluid mixture forms.
  15. Pour orange mixture carefully on top of cooled cheesecake. Try to distribute it as evenly as you can. The temperature difference will cause the orange layer to start setting quickly, so be quick. Arrange a piece of bubble wrap on top of the cake and press it down lightly to create a pattern in the top of the cheesecake. That's our honeycomb look! Don't use too much force when pressing down the foil or your cheesecake may flow out on the sides. Put the cake into a fridge for a few hours, or best overnight, to set completely.
  16. Take the cake out of the fridge on the next day, remove baking sides and carefully take the bubble wrap off. Drizzle honey on top of the cake immediately before serving.
  17. Enjoy!

Approximate nutritional value

100 g

  • 243 kcal
  • Carbs: 27 g
  • Fat: 12 g
  • Protein: 6 g
  • Fibre: 0 g

1 slice (recipe makes 16 slices)

  • 423 kcal
  • Carbs: 47 g
  • Fat: 21 g
  • Protein: 10 g
  • Fibre: 1 g
